The knowledge is the catalyst of the evolution of the human community. When it is leaned in the consciousness of things, it contributes to the brilliance of the Human being, and to the perception of the divine which is in Him.
The knowledge is the sum or the resultant of all which was passed on to us, since the stone-cutter up to the scholar, the user or the inventor of the computer.
Yes, the human mind which cut the stone was capable of realizing or of making the computer and many other things.
The vector of transmission of this knowledge from an individual to the other one, from a generation to the other one, from people to the other one is, contrary to all expectations 26 glyphes, 26 letters, to be precise 26 glyphes of the alphabet.
The man passed on and created thanks to the letters of the alphabet.
The juxtaposition of a letter with regard to the other one, a group of letters with regard to the other one, created an atmosphere, described a situation, aroused an enjoyment, a punishment, passed on a knowledge, a knowledge : it is a " big Magic ".
Reader, Internet user, write me your name, your first name. You go to use the letters of the alphabet to name you, and mean me so the word by which you go to answer me, plainly to say to myself the word which places you.
Then, accept the idea that God used letters to create the world.
The worlds and the mechanisms of functioning.
This reflection, and the sum of this study, made by men(people) and women and put at the disposal of all the human community and enriched by several generations establish(constitute), of our point of view, the true definition of the Kabbalah .